We all know that person with an ancient laptop, a stubborn printer, or that phone they refuse to part with. At some point, however, that beloved device stops being the sidekick you need it to be and starts feeling more like dead weight. If your tech is making life harder instead of easier, it might be time for an upgrade. Here’s how to know when to let go.
IT should be making your business work smarter, not harder. That’s what we want to discuss today: how IT impacts your business priorities, such as productivity, cybersecurity, and accessibility. Are you making the best choices possible, or are the options you’re selecting hindering your company’s operations?
It’s always good to know what kind of technological assets your business has at any given time, but some business owners don’t keep a detailed inventory. If you don’t know what you have, how will you know what you need? Let’s discuss some of the ways you can manage your IT inventory or make your current practices more effective.
Technology is deeply embedded in nearly every aspect of modern life. As society has become increasingly tech-driven, businesses have found ways to set themselves apart by meeting the growing demand for innovation. While technological dominance has been a recurring theme throughout the information age, today’s leading tech companies wield more power and influence than ever before.
Running a small business is no easy feat, especially when it comes to managing supply chains. You’ve got to keep track of suppliers, shipments, inventory, and customer demands—all while keeping your sanity. Luckily, technology is here to help. Let's break down some of the key tech tools that small businesses are using to make their supply chains smoother and more efficient.
Managing an office these days means juggling tons of devices, and it can be a real hassle. You've got to keep an eye on every device, know who's using what, and notice any trends. If you're not already tracking your tech, it’s a smart move to start. An inventory management system can seriously simplify the process.
We’re always chatting about how cool technology can be—even though even the biggest tech fans might not know all the neat options out there. Even though Windows 10 is slowly stepping down as the most popular workstation, you might be surprised that more than 60% of work computers are still running it. That’s why this week, we’re diving into three awesome Windows 10 features (that also work on Windows 11) that can really make your life easier.
Your business runs on a budget, and how you spend that money affects whether you make a profit by the end of the year. One of the most important areas to focus on is your IT (information technology). IT is the backbone of any modern business, so including it in your budget is crucial. Let’s discuss why prioritizing IT in your budget can make your business more successful.
It’s harder than ever to keep your data safe these days. Everyone needs to be careful online, but the constant security steps can feel exhausting when you’re spending hours on a computer every week. Unfortunately, this is the new normal. If you don’t stay on top of your cybersecurity, it can be really hard to keep your business’ tech safe.
Tape backup used to be the go-to backup solution for businesses, but it’s since lost its luster in favor of digital backup solutions. You might still find some uses for it, if you find a good enough excuse. Today, we want to examine why you might still use tape backup, even though a Backup and Disaster Recovery (BDR) solution far outshines it.
Each new year is an opportunity to reflect on what your business has gotten right and what it needs to improve. Your technology is one of those parts of a business where there’s always some room for improvement. If new IT solutions are on the docket for the upcoming year, here are four questions you can ask to make any new implementation successful.
Physical security is just as important as cybersecurity, and digital security cameras are a great tool to help maintain spaces. Whether you have an office, a retail space, a warehouse, or any other property, a security camera can help you keep tabs on a place in real-time and reduce liability. Here are three reasons why you might consider ditching an analog camera in favor of a digital camera.
Typically, we use this space to talk about technology-related issues that have a positive impact on business, society, and individuals. Information technology has and will continue to transform the world we live in. One of the central topics of this giant IT transformation is artificial intelligence (AI) and where it fits into the paradigm of modernity. Much has been made about the potential benefits of AI—and many of them are legitimate—but in today’s blog, we wanted to discuss the dark side of AI, and whether or not immediate regulation of the technology is a prudent decision.
If you are a frequent reader of this blog, you’ve seen articles about blockchain before. This week we thought we’d go a different direction and take a look at the question of whether or not cryptocurrency, a construct made possible by blockchain technology, should be made taxable by state, federal, and international lawmakers. Let’s take a look at blockchain, its role in cryptocurrency, and whether or not taxation is on the agenda down the road.
Today, people use technology for almost everything, from chatting with friends to deciding what to buy. With smartphones, computers, and other devices, we can quickly find information, shop online, and manage our time. This digital change means that people expect things to be fast, easy, and convenient. As a result, technology is changing how we interact with businesses and decide what’s worth our money. Let’s take a look at how technology has changed the way people buy things.
When did you last turn your mobile device off and on again?
While any IT provider worth their salt would be the first to tell you that this is troubleshooting 101, another source also recommends a quick reboot every so often: the National Security Agency.
Let’s explore why the NSA shared this advice and what difference following it can make.
Your employees might be putting your business at risk, even if they don’t know it yet. Most companies feel this frustration, and they want their employees to prioritize cybersecurity in the same way administrators and security staff do. This frustration is something that can be challenged and addressed… with the right solutions and policies, of course.
Technology is crucial for the success of businesses, but it has created this mindset that if a business doesn’t have the latest and greatest, they’re falling behind. The truth is that the latest gadgets are not necessarily the best decision for your business. Today, we want to assist you in making the best decisions about your technology.