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Tip of the Week: How to Get Around YouTube’s Restrictions and Play Videos on Repeat

Tip of the Week: How to Get Around YouTube’s Restrictions and Play Videos on Repeat

Anyone who has taken a stroll through YouTube knows that people love to upload music to the video sharing website. However, YouTube doesn’t inherently offer a built-in repeat function for playing videos, so if you want to watch a video multiple times, you’re out of the loop. Fortunately, there are numerous online services that allow you to repeat videos.

This repeat feature has practical business purposes as well. It’s perfect for when you want to loop your company video at a trade show booth, storefront, or lobby.

First, you want to find the YouTube video that you want to loop. Copy and paste its URL into a new tab, but don’t hit Enter just yet.

Next, delete the protocol that is at the beginning of the URL. This is the “https://” portion of the link. Now, type the word “repeat” into the URL right after the word “youtube.” Keep the rest of the link intact so that the website knows which video you want to be repeated. The end result should look something like this: youtuberepeat.com/watch/(random letters and numbers).

This will redirect you to a site called ListenOnRepeat.com, which will let you play any YouTube video on repeat. This website will even track how many times the video has started over, which can be a great way to see how long you can listen to the same thing over and over again.

One other way that you can do this is by using Infinite Looper, which can let you play YouTube videos on a loop. In particular, Infinite Looper lets you loop specific sections of the video. So, if you like a specific part of a video, you can just play that over… and over… and over again.

You can find this service on http://www.infinitelooper.com/

For more great tips and tricks, reach out to us at 02 98730080 and subscribe to our blog.

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